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AND THE FOUNDERS OF Adventurous Life

Maryann & Brian Remsburg

We are Brian and Maryann Remsburg, founders of Adventurous Life. We seek to live out our PURPOSE adventurously in all areas of life. We have taken risks financially, gone on multiple mission and service trips to help those less fortunate, and crossed the cultural divide to develop friendships with people who view the world much differently than we do. While we had many adventures during the 18 years we spent living overseas working in international education and adult training, we continue to step into the unknown while now living in the States.


Our two biological children were born in Kenya and Saudi Arabia, and our two youngest were adopted from Ethiopia. Traveling with kids was always an adventure and parenting third culture and adopted kids has brought much growth to us as well. Sometimes we can even be gluttons for punishment when seeking out when we took our four kids on a 5-day, 50 mile hike on the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) when they ranged from the ages of 6-13. The list goes on, with much more to add in the years ahead. 

Why do we continue to create challenging goals, step out of our comfort zone, and go into unknown territory? We have learned so much from these experiences about ourselves, others, how the world works, and about our Creator. 


We want to help you do the same! We don't want you to live our lives and do the things we do, because you have a different PURPOSE. Let's discover that together and start taking steps down your path towards your vision. 

Image by Jamie Hagan

About Us

Image by daniel plan


We began our ascent at 2 am. It was difficult to leave the comfort and warmth of our tent. Our water bottles were frozen and we could only see ten feet in front of us. However, we trusted our guide that leaving at this time was worth the trouble. After three hours of trudging uphill, we were nearing the 16,355' peak. Oxygen was increasingly hard to find.  


Every few steps we would stop again to catch our breath. It seemed like the peak was out of reach until finally, there we were, standing on top of point Lenana, Mt. Kenya.  The views were amazing, the sun began to rise, and after a two and a half-day struggle...


We were on top of the world! 


Mt. Kenya.  

Al Thiessen (left) | Friend and Guide

Brian (right)


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Coach Maryann

Maryann Remsburg


Maryann loves trying new things and pushing her limits, especially in areas where God has called her to trust Him and go for it.  Whether living overseas, adopting, writing her debut novel, competing in triathlons, doing career consultations to help others step out in faith or working with students, Maryann enjoys the adventure! 

Professionally,  she is licensed as a school counselor, teacher, Career Direct consultant and can now add author to her resume. She is also a Certified Professional Coach recognized by the ICF. Find more information on her book as well as coaching and career consulting on the next pages.


Bachelors in Education

Corban University

Counseling Training

Western Seminary

Masters School Counseling

U of West Alabama

Professional Coaching

New Vibe Training​

Career Consulting

Career Direct


Mother of 4


ES & MS Teacher

ES & MS Counselor

Retreat Speaker

Coach: VBall, BBall, XC +

Lived overseas for 18 years

Event Planner

Traveled to 35 countries


Career Direct Consultant


Professional Coach (CPC)

New Vibe Training

Licensed School Counselor


Licensed Teacher K-8



Strength Finders

Harmony | Positivity | Woo Communication | Arranger 

Meyers Briggs


DISC Profile

Influence | Dominant

Core Values Index

Merchant Builder


Being in Nature

God & His word 

My Family

Experiencing the World


Triathlons & sports events

Trying new things




"I trust Maryann.  She is a loyal friend, wise counselor, and dedicated educator.  

She is encouraging and goal-oriented, celebrating the growth and success of those around her."

- Amy (Atkinson) Mooi

Brian Remsburg

Brian is passionate about helping people to reach their goals without letting fear hold them back. He enjoys exploring and leading people on new and exciting journeys. While exploring, he is often in awe of God's fascinating creation and gets excited about discovering new truths in his life or the world. 

He has spent most of his professional career in the education and training fields where he has sought to motivate others to challenge themselves and reach their full potential.  He is a Certified Professional Coach recognized by the ICF at the ACC level and he is also a licensed school administrator and teacher. 


Bachelors in Education

Corban University

Master in Ed Leadership

Lehigh University​

Professional Admin License

Concordia University​

Professional Coaching

New Vibe Training​


Father of 4

MS Teacher 

MS Principal

Lived overseas for 18 years

Professional Dev Advisor

BBall Coach: 5th-Varsity

Community Fitness Club Pres

Planned many Trips & Events

Traveled to 36 countries


Professional Coach (CPC)

New Vibe Training

Licensed Principal K-12


Licensed Teacher K-8



Strength Finders

Command | Strategic | Self-assurance | Relator | Achiever

Meyers Briggs


DISC Profile

Dominant | Steady

Core Values Index

Merchant Builder







Seeking Truth

Planning & Hosting

Meaningful Relationships

Watching & Playing Sports

“Brian helped me develop leadership skills and confidence in my abilities to be a school administrator. He was an excellent mentor, and I am thankful for the experience I had working under him.”

- Matt Anderson

Image by Jade Lee


We help you make sure they do.

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